Converting a 10GB Parquet File to CSV and JSON

Tackling a 10GB Parquet File #

Let's explore what happens when we convert 204 million rows of data from a compressed Parquet file to more accessible formats.

The Data: FEC Individual Contributions #

We're working with the entire FEC Individual Contributions dataset. This comprehensive dataset is available for download from the FEC's bulk data page.

The Parquet file is 10GB, but this size is deceptive due to Parquet's efficient compression. Once uncompressed into CSV or JSON, the data expands significantly.

The Challenge: Size Matters #

With a file this size, standard spreadsheet software isn't up to the task. We need a tool designed for big data operations. For this demonstration, we'll use ChatDB Pro to handle the conversion process.

The Process: From Parquet to CSV and JSON #

Step 1: Upload the File #

First, we upload our Parquet file to ChatDB.

Upload the file to ChatDB

After uploading, the file appears in the dashboard.

Dashboard Screenshot

Step 2: Choose Conversion Options #

ChatDB offers several conversion options:

  • CSV
  • JSON
  • CSV (gzipped)

For this example, we'll convert to both CSV and JSON formats.

Step 3: Run the Conversion #

Now we initiate the conversion process. ChatDB handles the infrastructure and performs the conversion.

Conversion Job Finished

The Results: Data Expansion #

After the conversion, we end up with two new files:

  1. A CSV file of approximately 40GB
  2. A JSON file of about 96GB

These sizes demonstrate the effectiveness of Parquet compression. Our original 10GB file has expanded to 4-9 times its original size in these more readable formats.

Observations #

  1. Compression Efficiency: The significant size difference between the Parquet file and the resulting CSV/JSON files highlights Parquet's compression capabilities.

  2. Format Trade-offs: While CSV and JSON are more universally readable, they come at the cost of increased file size.

  3. Processing Power: Converting files of this size requires substantial computational resources, emphasizing the need for specialized tools when working with big data.

Next Steps #

With the data now in more accessible formats, various avenues for analysis open up. Potential areas of exploration include:

  • Analyzing campaign finance trends over time
  • Investigating geographical patterns in political contributions
  • Studying the relationship between contribution amounts and election outcomes

Each of these could provide interesting insights into the landscape of political fundraising in the United States.