CSV vs Parquet

In the world of data storage and analysis, choosing the right file format is crucial. This article compares two popular formats: CSV (Comma-Separated Values) and Parquet.

CSV vs Parquet: An Overview #

Feature CSV Parquet
Format Type Row-based Column-based
Compression Limited Efficient
Schema Inferred Embedded
Query Performance Slower for large datasets Faster for large datasets
Human Readability High Low
File Size Larger Smaller (compressed)

Detailed Comparison #

1. Data Structure #

CSV (Row-based):

  • Simple, row-based structure
  • Each line represents a complete record
  • All fields for a record are stored together

Parquet (Column-based):

  • Complex, column-based structure
  • Data organized by columns, not rows
  • Values from the same column are stored together

Benefits of Row-based Storage (CSV):

  • Efficient for reading entire records
  • Better for write-heavy operations
  • Suitable for transactional systems

Benefits of Column-based Storage (Parquet):

  • Efficient for reading specific columns
  • Better compression ratios
  • Improved query performance for analytical workloads

2. Compression #

CSV files can be compressed using general-purpose algorithms, but Parquet offers built-in, column-specific compression:

Compression CSV Parquet
Built-in No Yes
Efficiency Lower Higher
Column-specific No Yes

3. Schema and Metadata #

Parquet embeds schema information within the file, while CSV relies on inference or external schema definitions.

4. Query Performance #

Parquet's column-based structure and compression make it more suitable for querying large datasets.

Predicate Pushdown: Parquet supports predicate pushdown, a query optimization technique that filters data at the storage level before it's processed by the query engine. This significantly reduces the amount of data that needs to be read and processed, improving query performance.

Example: In a query with a WHERE clause, Parquet can use predicate pushdown to skip entire chunks of data that don't meet the condition, while CSV would need to scan all rows.

Projection Pushdown: Parquet also supports projection pushdown, which allows the query engine to read only the required columns from the file. This is particularly efficient for queries that only need a subset of columns from a wide table.

5. Human Readability #

CSV files are easily readable by humans, while Parquet files are binary and require specialized tools for inspection:

# CSV: Human-readable
cat data.csv

# Parquet: Binary
hexdump -C data.parquet

You would typically have to use a tool to view Parquet files. However, we have created a tool that allows you to view Parquet files in the browser. You can find it here.

6. File Size #

Parquet files are typically smaller than CSV files due to efficient compression:

Workloads Benefiting from Parquet #

Certain types of data processing workloads can significantly benefit from using Parquet:

  1. Big Data Analytics: Parquet's column-based structure and compression make it ideal for large-scale data analysis, especially when working with frameworks like Apache Spark or Hadoop.

  2. Data Warehousing: For storing and querying large volumes of historical data, Parquet's efficient storage and query performance can greatly improve system efficiency.

  3. Machine Learning: When training models on large datasets, Parquet's ability to quickly read specific columns can speed up feature extraction and data preprocessing.

  4. Time Series Analysis: For datasets with many columns but queries focusing on a few, Parquet's column-based structure can significantly reduce I/O.

  5. Ad-hoc Querying: Parquet's support for predicate and projection pushdown makes it excellent for scenarios where users need to run various unpredictable queries on large datasets.

Converting Between CSV and Parquet #

To take advantage of Parquet's benefits or to convert back to CSV for broader compatibility, you can use our conversion tools:

These tools make it easy to switch between formats based on your specific needs and use cases.